AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid.
Angular components for Google Maps.
Material Design UI components for Angular applications.
An Angular implementation of the Carbon Design System
60+ feature-rich, Material-based components for building better UX and modern-day web apps.
100+ fully native components for building high-quality modern Angular UI in no time.
Nebular is a customizable Angular UI library that contains 40+ UI components, four visual themes, and Auth and Security modules.
Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 5 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
An enterprise-class Angular UI component library based on Ant Design, all components are open source and free to use under MIT license.
Provides a collection of Bootstrap components, all powered by Angular.
Make beautiful, animated loading skeletons that automatically adapt to your Angular apps.
A set of components to build HTML5 hybrid and mobile web apps. Supports many frameworks, including Angular.
Over 80 Angular UI Components with top-notch quality to help you implement all your UI requirements in style.
Taiga UI is fully-treeshakable Angular UI Kit that contains 130+ components, 100+ directives, dozens of tokens, utils and tools.